About the Program
Jakarta Slimming Center (JSC) is the first clinic in Indonesia to conduct Allurion Program balloon replacement. Meanwhile, more than 100,000 balloons have been placed worldwide (including Paris, Italy, Hong Kong, and Malaysia).
Allurion Program in JSC consists of 2 main components:
– Balloon Placement
– Lifestyle Changes & Dietary Intervention
Approximately 90% of Allurion Program patients can sustain the achieved result one year after the balloon has passed.
Balloon Placement
This process will only require 15 minutes without anesthesia. The balloon is packed into a single capsule sizing only one finger breadth which makes it to be easily swallowed. The balloon will be in the stomach for 16 weeks before naturally passes out during defecation. During this time, you will lose weight while feeling full.
To ensure that the balloon has been placed in the proper location, a painless imaging examination will be conducted before the capsule is inflated into a balloon. In JSC, we have a dedicated radiology center and an experienced radiologist for a safe and effective process.

Lifestyle Changes & Dietary Intervention
While the balloon makes you feel full, our clinical nutrition specialist will guide you to a healthier habit, including (but not limited to) healthy diet and lifestyle changes. Personalized exercise program, tailor made only for you, by our sport medicine specialist will ensure your fitness.
In addition, our dedicated team will monitor your body weight and clinical journey routinely through our latest Allurion Insight application. Taken together, this program does not only target to make your weight lower but also to promote a healthy lifestyle and increased quality of life.
Worry No More, Let’s Start Losing Weight While Feeling Full
Our Team
Our comprehensive team are ready to make your weight loss journey comfortable and effective
- Dr. Nathania Sutisna, Sp.GK – Clinical Nutritionist
- Dr. Irina Kurniadi, Sp.Rad – Radiologist
- Dr. Freddy Ferdian, Sp.KO – Sports Medicine
- Dr. Ivan Wong, BMedSc(Hons), Sp.DV – Dermatologist
- Widyaningsih – Patient Coordinator
“Now I can see my toe fingers without my belly blocking me! This is amazing”
(Sekarang saya dapat melihat jempol kaki saya tanpa terhalang perut. Luar biasa)
Mrs. A, 41 years old, office manager, 7 days after balloon placement
“After only a week, I am able to wear my old shirt, which is one size smaller”
(Hanya dalam 1 minggu, saya sekarang bisa menggunakan baju lama saya yang dulu kekecilan)
Mrs. S, 43 years old, business person, 6 days after ballon placement